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African Cleanup Initiative


African Cleanup Initiative (ACI) is a non-governmental Organisation that is passionate about raising environmentally responsible citizens in Africa. Our major activities include environmental sanitation, environmental education/advocacy and community development and we have been promoting communal and corporate clean up and sensitization projects since 2010. We have carried out several projects since inception and these include; Community Cleanups, Green Footprints, RecyclesPay & RecyclesPay Plus Educational Project, Beyond Waste Project, Clean for Impact, Conferences etc. African Cleanup Initiative is geared towards engaging citizens of communities in Africa to be committed to environmental sustainability and also the actualization of the 17-point UN Sustainable Development Goals. We understand that government alone cannot shoulder the huge responsibility this entails. We therefore are keen to actively leverage on opportunities to demonstrate ‘Green’ leadership and reduce negative impacts on the environment.

Primary Circular Business Model(s):

Sharing Platform: Promotes collaboration among users to increase the usage and value derived from products.

Contact Details

Company Name: African Cleanup Initiative

Founder: Alexander Akhigbe
