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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I join Circular Lagos?

Circular Lagos is a community that focuses on building circular business and investment opportunities in Lagos. Everyone has a role to play to make this happen. Circular Lagos includes six categories of partnership:

Founding Partners, who evaluate policy opportunities that may help circular business and market growth.

Knowledge & Development Partners, who support efficiency of circular economy programme development and seek to improve access to quality development tools

Challenge Partners, who define business challenges and take responsibility for their development across Commit to pilot programme and incubator.

Investment Partners, who help us think about resources can be efficiently mobilized to support circular business development and growth

Strategic Partners, who work with us to make sure the vision of a Circular Lagos can be achieved

Circular Lagos Champions, who share and contribute to Circular Lagos stories

When will the challenge be launched?

We are really excited about the Circular Lagos Challenges. We expect them to be announced by the end of this year. Register here to receive updates.

Can I launch my own circular Lagos project or initiative?

We don’t have funds for that this time to support individual initiatives but the Circular Lagos team is glad to support the development of your ideas so they can be realized. Contact us here.

I am not in Lagos but want to participate, what can I do?

Many Circular Lagos Partners are located internationally. Members of this community share a common interest in building circular business and investment opportunities in Lagos. You are eligible to join the community and participate in challenges if you share this goal and can demonstrate your capacity to deliver.

If you have questions about joining the  Circular Lagos community, contact us for more information.